Toimialaratkaisut / Arkkitehtitoimistot

Project management and business forecasts improve the profitability of your business.

PSA and project management in architecture firms have significant impacts on the quality of client projects and also on the financial success of the business. The use of modern software brings effortless and real-time automation in support of management decisions and eases administrative duties.

Modern visual software in project management enables the success of architects’ projects and improves their quality. Work resourcing and people management become easier, and project scheduling and work allocation are more manageable.

We have been working together with the Association of Finnish Architects’ Offices (ATL) since 2020. Our experts’ substantial knowledge of the industry and the best PSA software make us an extraordinary partner when your goal is to improve project and financial management, and to motivate your personnel in work hour monitoring.

Askele’s model in development projects

We are especially experienced in growth companies’ PSA development, which gives us exceptional abilities to provide added value for our clients by developing their processes. Our knowledge of both the industry and the software helps us create motivating procedures for automating and measuring processes as well as for everyday reporting. As a result, the development work consists of smooth routines, the executive reporting is reliable, and the administrative duties are mostly automated.


Developing enterprise resource planning and choosing the most suitable software to support it require recognized strategic goals from the management. The goal may be growth or improved profitability or smoother daily routines.

We help you in clarifying your goals, finding suitable indicators, and creating good procedures for follow-up as well as the on-going development of your business.


Clear strategic goals help us create operating models for each process from sales lead management to actual selling, as well as from work hour entries to invoicing your clients.

When processes and software support your strategy, they also enable accurate reporting, daily entry routines and training your personnel.


Clear management-set goals, together with suitable operating models, make your everyday routines smoother. Supervisors and project managers can use accurate data to support their work and client management.

At their best, CRM, financial administration, and project software bring added value to every employee’s self-management.

We are proud of the success of our client projects

We started our collaboration with Askele two years ago to improve the business operations of the firms in our industry.

With a partner like Askele we can offer training to our members on how to create competitive capacity by increasing automation and improving project and financial management. I honestly believe that the whole industry will benefit from our collaboration!

Kalle Euro

CEO, the Association of Finnish Architects’ Offices ATL

Askele helped us change both our PSA and financial administration software. Their knowledge of our industry was indispensable to the success of our project.

The quality of our project management and the predictability of our business has improved significantly. Our administration staff have praised this improvement to the skies!

We can warmly recommend Askele as a partner in developing the operations of your architecture firm!

Juha Kuokkanen

Partner, Sigge Arkkitehdit Oy

Sigge Architects success story

“Askele’s expertise was invaluable” Sigge Architects’ system and process development project ran very smoothly. The predictability of their business and project management improved significantly. Sigge Architects had already been considering options and defining their...

How can we help you use Severa?


Consistent and measurable methods

We help your management create reliable indicators and consistent methods for your business processes. Consistency helps people understand how and why work hours are reported, which details should be updated in project management, and what is the necessary accuracy of sales and invoicing forecasts.


Better predictability

Managing the future in the business of professional services is dependent on availability of sales and invoicing forecasts as well as their accurate content. We design forecast models to help you significantly accelerate your sales, recruitment process, and financial administration.


Bedrock for profitable business

Companies should always recognize the services and clients that possess prospects for continuous success and business growth. At the same time it’s important to improve the services that fall short of their set goals. We help you identify and create segmentation that can be used to systematically control margins and build a solid bedrock for improving profits.


Skillful software usage

It is extremely important to provide professional training for all users on processes as well as software usage. Management chooses what the key indicators will be, and our experienced specialists provide efficient basic and advanced trainings to make everyday software usage smooth for sales, project management and workhour tracking.

Our technology solutions

Professional services automation - Visma Severa

Visma Severa is popular ERP software for managing the projects and sales of specialist companies.

Askele is the most competent partner on the market with experience in more than 600 Visma Severa commissioning and development projects.

Contact the Askele Team

Please contact our specialists by filling in the form. We’ll get back to you in no time.

9 + 2 =

Expertise with South Karelian attitude

We are as honest and frank as the Finns can be, whenever necessary, but the values guiding us in our work are openness, efficiency, and determination when it comes to reaching the client’s goals.

Start your investigation by contacting us, and let’s look into your company’s current situation. We will be happy to give you our suggestion on how to develop your business!

Matti Tiilikainen

Matti Tiilikainen

CEO, Partner

Founder of Askele Oy
With the experience gathered during fourteen years and from managing hundreds of projects, Matti has excellent abilities to help you develop your business.

+358 50 324 6655 |

Pasi Koskinen

Pasi Koskinen

Consultant, Partner

Pasi is a systematic sales expert and keeps client projects going with his sound professional attitude. He sets specific goals with the client and produces high-quality documentation at all stages. His background in IT and advertising provides him with a solid base for helping our customers.

+358 40 141 4141 |

Arttu Rossi

Arttu Rossi


Arttu’s precision in project management, documentation and client trainings is largely thanks to his background in education. His systematic conduct and genuine enthusiasm in helping clients reflects in his work and brings good results!

+358 111 9343 |

Hanna Karppinen

Hanna Karppinen

Product Owner

Hanna is the latest addition to the Askele professional team. Her responsibilities include software development and partnerships. Hanna has a long history in SaaS development.

+358 45 234 8646 |